QR Codes: A Marketer’s Secret Weapon

COVID did many things but one thing that’s helped marketers is that now consumers are more comfortable with QR codes. What may have started as a way to read a restaurant menu has now resulted in a fast way for consumers to get and give information, have a mobile experience and even complete a financial transaction. In fact, 93% of consumers say since Covid, they’ve used a QR code to complete a financial transaction for the first time ever.

For marketers, QR codes are easily added to almost all advertising and make the ROI from mailers, dealership signage, TV, streaming, print and digital ads easier to measure while also making the ads more effective. That’s because besides being able to link and track traffic from those mediums, the QR codes give consumers the mobile experience they want.

Mobile devices are now the primary way people access information and interact with businesses online. As such, it’s important that businesses create campaigns that optimize for mobile experiences. This means ensuring that the user experience is seamless, and that content can be easily accessed on a mobile device. Oftentimes this means directing traffic to a simple landing page instead of a busy website. When done correctly, a simple, mobileoptimized landing page can increase conversions by more than 30%.

A simple landing page should also include a simple form. Research has shown that shorter forms are more likely to be completed, as they take up less of the consumer’s time and effort. New marketing technology, like Informativ’s CreditDriver taps into a consumer’s mobile device unique ID to verify data as well as prefill forms. It moves prequalification beyond the website, by making it easy for a consumer to agree to a soft pull prequalification from their mobile device with just a few clicks.

The mobilefirst technology validates the lead fast and Equifax-powered fraud products ensure consumers are vetted and validated.

“Attaching Informativ’s QR code technology to our existing advertising has been a game-changer,” said Mike Lopretta, General Manager at Razzari Ford. “We picked up 58 additional leads on our first campaign alone!”

Another great benefit of Informativ’s CreditDriver technology is that all lead sources are easily tracked, so you know what lead sources are resulting in sales, and which ones are falling flat. One way to make campaigns more engaging and interactive with QR codes is to offer customers the opportunity to scan a QR code at a physical location in order to unlock discounts or special offers.

The technology also helps consumers build their credit by adding in bill payment information that can increase their credit score by double digits.

By using CreditDriver’s innovative technology, businesses can create campaigns that will be more likely to capture the attention of potential customers, increase verified leads, and move prequalification beyond your website.

Click here to learn more and watch our free webinar, 7 Ways to Get Leads You’ll Love, here.


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